Monday, October 28, 2013

The Bellicon difference

Due to the patented, highly flexible bungees suspension, the Bellicon differs from the conventional mini trampolines that have hard metal spring suspension. It is far more flexible and swings you deeper and springs you back higher, The continuous gravity changes during swinging unleashes many positive reactions in the body. 

This integrated, moderate stimulation of the muscles, metabolism and heart and lymphatic system, together with enthusiasm and relaxation.

Using the Bellicon may helps with: 

 ● Getting rid of excess weight
 ● Activating the metabolism
 ● Neck and back pain, tension (muscular relaxation)
 ● Stimulation of blood supply and circulation
 ● Excellent balance training and fall prevention
 ● Exercising against gravity
 ● Lymphatic blockages through “automatic” lymph drainage

Bellicon Rebounder


The patented Bellicon Rebounder's suspension system, features highly elastic bungee cords, training all of the muscles in your body helping joints and spinal discs, and stimulating circulation.

Consider the science behind Bellicon Rebounders:

To jump, all 638 muscles of your body must flex. That means all muscles are toning and
exercising. Once you're up in the air, all the cells in your body relax, total cellular openness, a naturally-occurring whole body reflex . When your feet reach the mat again, all 638 muscles flex.

Rebounding does this over and over, so the  benefits abound. Bellicons use bungees, not springs, and the benefits are tremendous.

The bounce cycle itself increases. It becomes much longer with no jarring impact on the joints. There's a longer time flexing all six-hundred thirty-eight muscles, and a longer time in a total cellular relaxation.
When your body cells are completely relaxed, they are filling with oxygen, the cellular energy and fuel we crave. During the muscle work phase, your body is not just toning, it is detoxing too. Lymphatic liquid is being moved over muscles to fire up the immune system.

NASA says rebounding is not only better than running on a treadmill, but the most effective.

Order a bellicon today, and enjoy the proven scientific fitness benefits of rebounding.